We are in full-blown Chainsaw Awards mode over here and this week we are celebrating the shorts. Some of the short films nominated in this new category have been on the festival circuit and previously unavailable online. That makes voting a little tricky, so we’re bringing them to you right here, as we celebrate shorts week. So sit back, and enjoy this virtual screening room with a new nominated short film each day. And remember to get those votes in!
Our third short of the week, entitled “O, Glory!” is set in the late ’70’s, and follows a psychiatric doctor and his assistant to an isolated country house. The purpose of their visit is to examine Deborah, whose brother believes she is losing her mind. Fuelled by hysteria and hallucinatory paranoia, they descend into an abstract madness. Filmmakers Charlie Edwards-Moss and Joe Williams had this to say to you all:
Dear FANGORIA readers: we present to you, “O, Glory!” We set out to make a ’70s-style horror, but found ourselves more inspired by ’70s cinema in general. As a result, we’ve got a trippy genre film that revels mainly in the messinessย and chaos of the people – and we’re so so happy that FANGORIA has chosen to nominate us for their best short!
We’ve just finished writing our feature, which isn’t an outright horror but definitely brings that same sense of madness and mayhem from our short. We’re in desperate need of cold hard cash, so if you liked our short please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for our bank details.
Joe and Charlie xx
Tomorrow we bring you the tale of a sleepwalking roommate, in case you missed it, you can get caught up on this week’s featured nominees right here. Stay tuned for more and vote for the 2023 FANGORIA Chainsaw Awards!