THE BOULET BROTHERS’ DRAGULA: Ultraviolet Umbras Castoff ByAngel Melanson As we near the end, season 5 episode 7's banished monster joins us for a chat!
Christmas Horror Movies: Wreck The Halls With Our Holiday Horror Advent Calendar ByAngel Melanson New title revealed each day, because a holiday horror movie a day keeps the killer Santas at bay.
New Horror Movies 2024: Latest Releases ByAngel Melanson From TERRIFIER 3 to BEETLEJUICE 2, and TRAP, here are release dates and TBD's for all the upcoming new horror movies in 2024.
Matthew Lillard On FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S Sequels And Suit Acting ByAngel Melanson Plus: How his kids convinced him this was going to be epic.
RAGING GRACE Director Paris Zarcilla Builds A Haunted House Out Of Diaspora ByAngel Melanson Filipino horror meets gothic fiction.
THE BOULET BROTHERS’ DRAGULA: Gods Of Death (Part 2) Castoff ByAngel Melanson We're summoning the Season 5 Episode 5 banished monster for a chat!
THE BOULET BROTHERS’ DRAGULA: Gods Of Death (Part 1) Castoff ByAngel Melanson We're summoning the Season 5 Episode 4 banished monster for a chat!
THE BOULET BROTHERS’ DRAGULA: Ghosts Of The Gatehouse Castoff ByAngel Melanson We're summoning the Season 5 Episode 3 banished monster for a chat!
THE TWILIGHT SAGA SteelBook Collection Celebrates 15th Anniversary ByAngel Melanson With tons of special features, available exclusively at Best Buy.
On The Tail Of THANKSGIVING Eli Roth Would Love To Cross-Pollinate More Holiday Horror ByAngel Melanson Roth discusses the three films that really disturb him, the Sexiest Man Alive, expanding on holiday horrors, and more!