Wrestling fans, rejoice! This new wrestling-fueled horror-comedy is hitting SCREAMBOX, select theaters, and digital on February 9 but we have your first sneak peek at Here For Blood below. We’ve got babysitters, wrestlers, a decapitated skull and a fight scene that really heats things up. The story centers on a rowdy pro wrestler, struggling to make ends meet. He takes a babysitting gig, tending to a precocious ten-year-old girl. But what starts off as typical night of junk food and video games quickly spirals into bloody chaos as the secluded home is invaded by a cult of mask-wearing maniacs. Rowdy pro-wrestler vs. home invaders? Place your bets.
The Resident Evil franchise’s Shawn Roberts stars as the besieged babysitter, with Maya Misaljevic (The Boys), Joelle Farrow, Tara Spencer-Nairn, and Michael Therriault (Chucky) co-starring. Directed by Daniel Turres and written by James Roberts, Here for Blood body-slammed audiences on the festival circuit, with six awards from Toronto After Dark, including “Best Film to Watch with a Crowd,” before going on to play FrightFest (Glasgow and London), IFI Horrorthon (Ireland), and Ramaskrik (Norway). As promised, let’s take a look at that exclusive clip.

Ok, I admit I got a little woozy when that blister started doing its thing. Anybody order a fried home invader face? Catch Here For Blood streaming on SCREAMBOX February 9. Start screaming now with SCREAMBOX on iOS, Android, Apple TV, Prime Video, Roku, YouTube TV, Samsung, Comcast, Cox, and Screambox.com.