Exclusive: Amicus Productionsโ IN THE GRIP OF TERROR Adaptations Revealed ByAmber T The legendary British horror studio is back from the dead with a medically macabre anthology!
Exclusive: Check Out The Trailer For Hyper-Violent French Horror MEGALOMANIAC ByAmber T Karim Ouelhaj's bloody and brutal new feature hits theaters and VOD in September.
CREEPSHOW’s John Harrison Discusses His Latest Novel, PASSING THROUGH VEILS ByMeredith Borders The filmmaker and composer has a brand new ghost story on shelves today, and Fango's already gotten our hands on it!
THE TOXIC AVENGER, PET SEMATARY: BLOODLINES And More Coming To Fantastic Fest 2023 ByScott Wampler PLUS: Mike Flanagan's FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER, a live recording with THE KINGCAST, and more!
11 Spooky Films With the Most Terrifying AI Characters ByDolores Quintana Has horror been warning us about Artificial Intelligence all along? It has been for a long time.
Check Out The Freaky First Trailer For THE CURSE OF WILLOW SONG ByScott Wampler Karen Lam's long-awaited horror film arrives in September.
Exclusive Interview: Doug Bradley And Douglas Schulze On THORNS ByAmber T The director and star chat godliness and gore in the upcoming sci-fi horror.
These TOTALLY KILLER Images Are Totally Killer ByScott Wampler Blumhouse TV's time-travel slasher will be streaming on October 6th.
It’s Time To Love On JASON GOES TO HELL: THE FINAL FRIDAY ByGem Seddon The camp legacy sequel turns 30. Yeah, it's the one where Jason's a mollusk.
A24’s Top Ten Scary Movies As Rated By Critics ByDolores Quintana A24 is known as an independent film company with an eye for horror films. Which A24 horror films are rated the best by film critics?