The FANGORIA Archives With Queen of THE VIDEO ARCHIVES PODCAST Gala Avary ByRich Johnson HALLOWEEN III, CRITTERS 2 , and why PRINCE OF DARKNESS is still the scariest movie she's ever seen.
The Architecture of Fright: 9 of the Scariest Buildings In the Genre ByDolores Quintana Is the set part of the scare? It certainly is for the films on this list.
THE EXORCIST Director William Friedkin Has Died At 87 ByAmber T The Oscar-winning filmmaker changed the face of horror as we know it.
DEAR DAVID Poster Brings The Viral Haunting To Life ByAmber T John McPhail's R-rated Buzzfeed horror will be with us just in time for Halloween.
12 Fright Films With Captivating Aesthetics That Make Them Stand Out ByDolores Quintana Just a taste of fright films who have aesthetics that make a great impression and make them even scarier.
10 of Our Favorite Spooky M. Night Shyamalan Movies ByDolores Quintana Some of M. Night Shyamalan's films can be divisive, but which of his spooky movies are our favorites?
7 Lesser Known Facts About THE BLOB (1988) On Its 35th Anniversary ByDolores Quintana You Know THE BLOB, That Cute Pink Menace, But Do You Really Know THE BLOB?
Six of the Most Gorgeous Roger Corman Adaptations In The Poe Cycle ByDolores Quintana Get ready for six beautiful Edgar Allen Poe films directed by Roger Corman, only one doesn't star Vincent Price.
KILLADELPHIA Exclusive Cover Reveal Ahead Of November Release ByAngel Melanson Plus: Go back to the beginning with the first chapter of the debut issue right here.
Exclusive Interview: Takumi Saito On Technology And Terror In HOME SWEET HOME ByAmber T The SHIN ULTRAMAN star returned to the New York Asian Film Festival last month with his second directorial feature.