THE MEG 2 Trailer Is The Best Thing You’ll See Today ByScott Wampler Ben Wheatley has gone big-budget and the results look bananas.
Unveiling 6 Shocking Tales That Span the World BySamantha McLaren New international horror dropping this month!
TREMORS And JURASSIC PARK Effects Artist Bill Basso Has Died At 60 ByAmber T The FX legend leaves behind an impressive legacy of genre work.
Celebrate Robert Englund’s Birthday With HOLLYWOOD DREAMS & NIGHTMARES On SCREAMBOX ByAmber T Tony Todd, Heather Langenkamp, Eli Roth and more will bring #RobertEnglundDay to life in this new doc.
EVIL DEAD RISE Has Earned $100M At The Worldwide Box Office ByScott Wampler Excellent. Now let's get started on the next one.
The 10 Scary Movies That Surprised Everyone When They Won An Oscar ByMaya Capasso Which one will be your biggest surprise?
Artist Timothy Mendonรงa Is Creating Art From Horror Movie Script Pages ByAngel Melanson Take a peek at these Jordan Peele inspired scriptART sculptures.