Well, we’re finally here! At long last (and after much hype, following several festival screenings) Lee Cronin’s Evil Dead Rise has landed in theaters. I might be the last goddamn person on the FANGORIA staff to see this movie, but I’ve got tickets to see it (or, as the case may be, let it happen to me) this evening and I, for one, could not be more excited about it.

While I sit here watching the clock (come on, 7 o’clock!), here’s a fun thing: a new Evil Dead Rise poster, designed by the great Creepy Duck and officially commissioned by the studio. Your mileage may vary, but this one feels very much like a throwback to some of the more interesting designs we used to see on VHS box covers back in the ’80s.

Check it out:


Pretty great, right?

For those who haven’t been paying attention, here’s another look at the final Evil Dead Rise trailer:

Nothing further to report on Evil Dead Rise at this time (I’m gonna miss covering this one! RIP, Evil Dead Rise marketing campaign), but do stay tuned for more on the franchise’s future, Lee Cronin’s next project, and an update on Evil Dead Rise‘s box office performance, after the weekend. Until then … see you at the movies tonight?

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