Remedy Entertainment’s ALAN WAKE 2 Goes Full Survival Horror Mode ByGeorge Yang Game director Kyle Rowley draws inspiration from the works of Ari Aster and Robert Eggers.
The WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS Season 5 Trailer Is Here ByScott Wampler The latest season of FX's horror-comedy hit looks typically hilarious.
DEAD SPACE: DEEP COVER Podcast Coming To Terrify Your Eardrums ByAmber T Cineverse Podcast Network, Bloody FM and EA are bringing us a new chapter of the sci-fi survival horror.
Universal’s HALLOWEEN HORROR NIGHTS Will Get A LAST OF US House For ’23 ByScott Wampler Based on the Naughty Dog game, not the HBO series.
Let’s Revisit The Sketch That Inspired THE BLACKENING! ByScott Wampler Tim Story's horror comedy hits this weekend!
Giancarlo Esposito Joins Radio Silence’s Still Untitled Universal Monster Movie ByAmber T We've also got a release date for the secretive new project.
Getting Stalked By Evil Is Always Better With Friends: 13 Terror Tales Of Friends In Peril ByDolores Quintana
Grindhouse Brings Shatner-Starring IMPULSE To Blu-Ray ByMichael Gingold We've got your exclusive announcement and details.
MORTAL KOMBAT LEGENDS: CAGE MATCH Cast Revealed ByRyan Scott The animated movie, arriving this year, features Joel McHale as Johnny Cage.