Lucky McKee’s MAY Is Coming To UK Blu-ray ByAmber T Give this lonely girl a loving home with Second Sight's packed new release.
FEAR THE INVISIBLE MAN Trailer Heads Back To The Victorian Era ByScott Wampler A new take on the H.G. Wells classic is headed our way.
HELLDIVERS 2 Looks Like The STARSHIP TROOPERS Game Of Our Dreams ByRyan Scott The sequel is coming soon for the PlayStation 5 and PC.
Cinematic Gems for the Faint of Heart: 10 Movies That Promise Entertainment Without the Scare ByLizzy Ervin
The ALAN WAKE 2 Trailer Will Blow The Minds Of ALAN WAKE Fans ByScott Wampler A new look at the long-awaited sequel just landed.
The MAD HEIDI Red-Band Trailer Ain’t Pulling Any Punches ByScott Wampler The "modern grindhouse epic" is headed to theaters for one night only next month.