ABOMINATION: THE HEIR OF FRANKENSTEIN Invites Players To Unlock The Secret Of Life BySean OโLeary Come up to the lab and see what's on the slab.
Wild Women With Steak Knives: IT’S A BEAUTIFUL DAY ByAlexandra Heller-Nicholas Revisiting Kayoko Asakura's 2013 Japanese horror in the barren California desert.
A QUIET PLACE: DAY ONE Will Unleash Extraterrestrial Hell In NYC ByScott Wampler The Lupita Nyong'o-starring prequel will arrive in 2024.
Things Get Bloody In THE WRATH OF BECKY Red-Band Trailer ByScott Wampler Just give Becky her dog back and no one gets hurt. OK, that's a lie - everyone's getting hurt.
THE BOOGEYMAN Just Scared The Hell Out Of CinemaCon ByScott Wampler Sounds like the next big Stephen King adaptation gets the job done.
The 13 Most Resourceful Final Survivors in The History of Scary Movies ByDolores Quintana What Would You Do?
David Gordon Green’s THE EXORCIST: BELIEVER Arrives In October ByScott Wampler The power of Christ compels you!
Jane Widdop And Justin Long Lead Festive Slasher IT’S A WONDERFUL KNIFE ByAmber T TRAGEDY GIRLS' Tyler MacIntyre and FREAKY's Michael Kennedy are bringing us 'blood, guts and mayhem' this Christmas.
The Top 15 Most Terrifying Moments in Scary Movie History ByMaya Capasso Relive these "Nope, Forget This" moments from horror film history