Freddie Prinze Jr. Says Skeet Ulrich Is The Edgiest Motherfucker ByAngel Melanson And more behind the scenes bits from THAT WAS PRETTY SCARY co-host and I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER star.
STRANGER THINGS Creators Bringing THE BOROUGHS To Netflix ByRyan Scott The Duffer Brothers teamed up with Jeffrey Addiss and Will Matthews for this new sci-fi series.
Surprise: The First TERRIFIER Is Headed Back To Theaters! ByScott Wampler You can't keep a good clown down.
Stewart Thorndike’s BAD THINGS Will Hit Shudder In August ByScott Wampler “Where are all the female Travis Bickles and Jack Torrances?" asks Thorndike. "BAD THINGS answers that."
TWILIGHT Is Becoming A TV Show Now ByRyan Scott The team Edward or team Jacob debate can rage on for a new generation.
Cast Of EVIL DEAD RISE Discuss Rage-Filled Demons And Franchise Favorites ByAngel Melanson On-screen sisters Alyssa Sutherland and Lily Sullivan are here!
THE HORROR OF DOLORES ROACH: Serving Up Empanadas With A Side Of WTF ByAngel Melanson From podcast to Prime Video this July.
Halle Berry To Face Evil Spirit In Alexandre Aja’s NEVER LET GO ByAmber T The Oscar-winning actress and CRAWL director are teaming up for a 'terrifying fight for survival'.
EXCLUSIVE: First Look At the CUDDLY TOYS Trailer ByLeticia Lopez Kansas Bowling's latest makes its theatrical debut in New York City at the Kraine Theater on April 20.