Based on the book series by Johnny B. Truant and both executive produced and show-run by Chucky‘s Harley Peyton, SYFY’s Reginald the Vampire is headed back our way for a second season full of bloodsucking mayhem (and, yes, plenty of humor), and today brings us the first trailer for that fresh batch of episodes!

Let’s take a look.

YouTube video

An accompanying press release tells us…

“Reginald Andres finally got his life together โ€“ when he was turned into a vampire. While he doesnโ€™t fit into the stereotypical expectations of what a vampire looks like โ€“ heโ€™s not chiseled or classically handsome โ€“ Reginald has found his place amongst an unlikely cohort that includes the cool vampire who sired him, the former vampire chieftain turned unexpected ally (or is she?), and his co-worker/former girlfriend. A show with a lot of heart and just enough blood, Reginald the Vampire proves the undead life is just as complicated as life itself.”

Reginald the Vampire stars Jacob Batalon (Spider-Man: No Way Home), Em Haine (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina), Mandela Van Peebles (Mayor of Kingstown), Savannah Basley (SurrealEstate) and will premiere on SYFY on May 8th at 10PM. Nothing further to report on the show’s second season at this time, but do stay tuned for updates!


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